On Campus Food

The hours of operation listed for the resources below may have change.
Please contact the resources directly for the latest updates.

Map of On Campus Food Resources

Redwood Free Market

Location: Rachel Carson College Cafe (College Eight Cafe)

Hours: Mondays 2-5PM, Tuesday to Thursday 9AM-1PM and 2-5PM, Fridays 9AM-12PM, Wednesdays 2-5PM (Graduate Students Only)

  • Features produce, dry goods, and CalFresh information
    • We are a choice-based no limits pantry so take what you need with your Student ID!
  • How does it work?
    • Create a PantrySoft Account before your first visit!
    • Bring your own bag and ID during the hours shown above
    • Sign-In at Entrance
    • Shop for your items. Traffic inside the pantry will be limited by our staff to ensure everyone gets ample time inside.
    • Bag your items outside and leave your basket for us to sanitize

For updates, follow us on Instagram. If you are in need food assistance, please email deanofstudents@ucsc.edu. 

Produce Pop-Up

Location: Quarry Plaza (Wednesdays), Science Hill, in front of the Science & Engineering Library (Fridays)

Hours: 11AM-3PM During Academic Year, Closed During Summer

Produce Pop-Up is a twice-weekly organic farm stand for the UC Santa Cruz community. As a part of Basic Needs, Produce Pop-Up aims to provide low-cost and free healthy, organic food for all. 

For updates on produce availability and Pop-Up locations, follow us on Instagram. For any questions or concerns, email ucscproducepopup@gmail.com or visit the Center for Agroecology Website.

Cowell Coffee Shop

Location: Near the Cowell/Stevenson Dining Hall

Hours: Mondays to Fridays from 10AM to 3:30PM During Academic Year, Closed During Summer

Cowell Coffee Shop is a student-run cafe non-transactional designed to increase student food security. Offerings include premade food, fresh pressed juices, coffee, food recovery items from our campus and community partners, and more!

For updates, follow us on Instagram.

Center for Agroecology Farmstand

Location: Cowell Ranch Hay Barn

Hours:  Thursdays from 12:30-6:00 PM, last day open is September 26th

  • Features organic vegetables, fruit, and flowers grown at the UCSC Farm and Chadwick Garden by Center for Agroecology staff and students
  • Accepted forms of payment include credit cards, cash, check, and EBT payments. If paying with a card, please bring a smart device to pay for your produce via our online payment system 


Terry Freitas Commons

Location: At John R. Lewis College, across from the College 9 & John R. Lewis College Community Garden

Hours: Check their Instagram for updated hours.

For updates, follow us on Instagram.

Womxn's Center Food Pantry

Location: Cardiff House

Hours: Tuesday to Thursday from 10AM - 4PM During Academic Year, Closed During Summer

  • Dry and canned goods

For accommodations, contact us at:

Ethnic Resource Centers Snack Pantry

Location: Ethnic Resource Centers (Third Floor of the Bay Tree Building, End of Hall)

Hours: Monday to Friday from 10AM - 4PM During Academic Year, Closed During Summer

  • Must sign in at the front desk to access pantry

For accomodations, contact us at:

Lionel Cantu Queer Center Food Pantry

Location: The Cantú (Behind Merrill College and Next to KZSC)

Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10AM - 4PM During Academic Year, Closed During Summer

  • Dry goods, canned goods, frozen meals, and snacks

For accomodations, contact us at:

Food & Garden Guide

The UCSC Campus Food & Garden Guide offers students and others a range of information on UCSC's classes, internships, farm and gardens, volunteer opportunities, and other articles and activities related to the campus and community food system. Produced by student leaders of the Food Systems Working Group at the Center of Agroecology, the guide is available free as hard copy at various campus locations and online. Measure 43 funding supports the production, printing, and distribution of the UCSC Campus Food and Garden Guide.